Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Luna curled her tail around her paws, letting the moonight rain down on her black pelt. She stretched, pushing her way out of the moss and lichen that decorated the entrance to her den.
Shakira flew up into the darkness of the night. Looking down, felt something dark. Quickly, she flew down, and turned back into a wolf, running into a cave.
Mika saw the wolf again then sunk out to find that wolf

Genba looked at Hougen "Your kidding right?" asked Genba

Hougen shook his head "Your the Alpha male now" said Hougen
Genba was in shock "What me Alpha Male?" said Genba

Hougen laughed "I know how you feel" said Hougen

Falka ran up to Hougen what about Alpha male?" aske Falka

Hila fell asleep

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