Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Terra felt Megumi's pleas and bolted over. She nuzzled her softly. "It's ok, sweetie" she said, then turned to face Koa. "What happened? The shadow is dead" she growled, her had low.

Koa grinned at her, revealing several sharp fangs. For a second, her eyes turned amber, and a pleading looked for help was in them. They turned back to red, and she said, "The shadow may be dead, but I live on, and its power thrives in me!" she said proudly, her eyes glinting.

Megumi moved closer to Terra.
Name: Emarald
Gender: female
Age: 1/2
Rank (wanted): alpha female
Rank now: pup
Family: Light, Spirit/Hougen, Tiny, Connor, Trek
Powers: speed, unknown, unknown.
History: has a rare red, crimson fur color. Eyes are a emarald green. Is young and hopes one day will take the roll as alpha female. Has a good life and family. Is still young and doesn't know any other of her powers, other than speed.
Personality: calm, playful, curiosity that gets the best of her, but try's to hold back. Is sweet, a little rough. Likes making friends
Other: when older is hoping to find soulmate. Will try making friends I matter what.
Emarald jumped around looking for adventure. She had to be watched, which she hated. Light watched her play around the den. Emarald let out a long high pitched,howl, because she was a pup. She barked out laughing."I'm getting good at this!" She said in excitement.

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