Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Emerald growled playfully and turned around and chased him with she speed. She landed on top of her dad and said,"Got you back!" She then turn and ran half the way with her speed.
Emerald growled playfully and turned around and chased him with she speed. She landed on top of her dad and said,"Got you back!" She then turn and ran half the way with her speed.
Hougen chased her and taged you "I got you again"said Hougen running

( sigh* i keep trying to rp on this thread and get ignored and honestly i have no idea whats going on)
(Well I can send one of my wolve to RP with you)
Hougen chased her and taged you "I got you again"said Hougen running

(Well I can send one of my wolve to RP with you)
Emarald turned around and yawned. She slumped a bit and started to fall asleep.

light watched from a distance with amusement twinkling in ear eyes. She noticed Emarald sleeping. She walked over to go and get her.

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