Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*


Life looked at Death. "I know" she said sadly, then smiled at Moon.
"So not so good is it Life"said Death with a growl "Just think how I feel I may show angry but I have more feeling then that you and Light treat me like dirt"said Death "All I wanted was to be friends but you and Light think I'm the bad guy"
"I'm sorry Death, it's just, death is a scary thing. It's vague, and you and I are opposite. Life and Death are opposite. I didn't mean to be mean" she said sadly.
Death looked at her "Well Death is something that you have to face someday just like me"said Death "Moonpack has a deal with me must find a new Death soon"said Death "That was a deal I could be Death for at least 300 years it's been longer and now Moonpack wants me to find someone here and take that wolf and make them Death" said Death

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