Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Riko then looked at the two, "I'm not fighting I found love and a family." He mentioned, but kept a great eye on them.
Falto and Spirit walked around "We're not fighting we don't want to" said Spirit looking around for a escape

Falto then saw a hole and started to dig
Lilly started t chew at her chain, breaking it. She crept out of her cage and to Mika's. She shoved the other dog out and walked into /Mika's cage, locking the door behind her. "Mika, it'll be ok" she promised.
Mika didn't say anything she was scared

the dog sighed "I now how to get out of here" said the dog as he walked over to the side of the shed and moved a rug and under it was a hole to the outside
Megumi growled, biting into the man's leg.
the man ran and got his best Fighting dogs out "Hook, John, Ben and Ken" said the man as he petted them. "Attack my dogs" said the man pointing to the wolves and the fighting ring. Hook and John went to kill the wolves "You'll all die" said John he was a black and brown dog. Hook was a dog with sharp teeth and a scar on his side.

Ben and Ken entered the ring and smiled "Fresh meat" said Ben as he pinned Falto down and bit hard. Ken looked at Spirit "And the famous Blood is here" said Ken as he bit into Spirit's neck and started to pull
Lilly nuzzled her. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you if I can help it" she said softly.
Mika broke the cage door opened and broke the chain off her "I'm not going through this again" said Mika as she walked over to the hole and jumed out of the shed and looked around and then stopped Hook and John "Great these guys again" said Mika

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