Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Lilly looked up at the bears pleadingly. She tried to get up again but only fell.
Mika stood up she was bleeding but she stood and growled at the bears "I was a fighting wolf here I'm not afraid of bears" said Mika then coughed up blood. The bears smiled then the huge one laughed "You should be I'm one of Shako's cubs I'm Shasi my brother are thunder and lector" said the bear "I've come to kill you and your brothers and I brought a friend with me you'll find out who he is" said the bear then hit Mika into a tree and bit into her
Mika stood up she was bleeding but she stood and growled at the bears "I was a fighting wolf here I'm not afraid of bears" said Mika then coughed up blood. The bears smiled then the huge one laughed "You should be I'm one of Shako's cubs I'm Shasi my brother are thunder and lector" said the bear "I've come to kill you and your brothers and I brought a friend with me you'll find out who he is" said the bear then hit Mika into a tree and bit into her

Roki seem the action and leaped.onto the bear, piercing his fangs into the one butting Mika.
"Please don't hurt her" Lilly groaned, trying to stand again. She finally succeeded, leaning against a tree shakily.
The bears all turned to Lilly and laughed "Be scared of the bears" said Shasi then his brothers came "Brothers I've been waiting for you did you bring him" asked Shasi. Thunder nodded "His here but first he needed to find a wolf called Garki?" said Thunder. Mika stood up she was getting weaker but she stood "I'm not going to lose I was train to kill" said Mika as she bit into Shasi. Thunder and Lector grabbed Mika and pulled her off and threw her to the ground and put their paws on her. Mika coughed "I-I won't give up not ye......" Mika then started to breather faster and her eyes were going blank
"Mika!" Lilly whimpered.
Shasi walked over and bit into Mika then threw her into a tree then picked her up and threw her into the ground and kicked her "We kill one now we find Genba then Hougen" said Shasi. Thunder and Lector ran off and went to find the other two. Shasi stood there and smiled then looked at Lilly "You won't kill me I'm to big and your to weak like Mika here" said Shasi

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