Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Lilly whimpered. "Please just leave her alone." she begged.
Shasi smiled "She's dead I'm going to leave you two now I'm off to kill the other two wolves who killed my father" said Shasi then he ran off with a laugh.

Mika breathed still but was close to death "L-Lilly I'm sorry I couldn't help more" whispered Mika (I'm not going to kill her yet). Mika then stood up, she shook but stood "I need to find the others and fast their in danger and not just the three bears I saw what was coming" said Mika
Lilly limped over to her. "Let's go, then"
Mika then fell to the ground but she stood up again "No you need to stay out of trouble I'm going to find my brothers and kill those three bears even if it kills me" said Mika as she limped off

Thye three bears stopped and heard something "He's here" said Thunder. a dark figure came towards them and smiled "Ahh you must be Shasi, Thunder and Lector I'm the darkness" said the black figure with pure black eyes he was in a black cloud but his smiled with red as blood "Now let's find Genba his at a fighting ring" said The Darkness.

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