Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

(Well I'm giving you a part now)

The darkness spotted Lilly and walked over to her and smiled his blood smile "Why hello I was just walking through the forest and I saw you" lied The Darkness

(And that's why I got kicked off the first time too many RP)

Hodu turned to see Genba being attacked

Genba felt the blood leave his body. Lector smile then bit into the windpipe and started to crush it
Roki seen the darkness, and glared at him.
Roki seen the darkness, and glared at him.
Mika watched the Darkness and sighed "His going to be hard to kill" said Mika then heard something and saw a ring with Thunder pinning Genba down.

Genba then bit into Thunder's neck and pulled him down. Thunder stood up and hit Genba into the bars.
"I know.  And I'm sorry, I get it.  I just try so hard to make everyone happy, and then I end up making no one happy" she said with a sigh.

"How about siding with your the pack mates that have frought with you, (and against) healed you, eaten with you, been though so many hardships with you?" A red wisp of light suddenly grew bigger and Crimson's form could soon be made out his feet touched the ground, he turned his back on Hollyleaf.

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