Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

(A newbie huh? let me give you a rundown. The place the pack dwells is called the Packlands. Moonpack is the equivilent of heaven. Likewise as Place of No Moon is like the underworld. The Shadow Land is where the shadows of dead wolves are taken. when wolves die, they seperate into three parts. the body, the shadow and the soul. when the soul leaves, it becomes a Wandering Soul, and all three of these parts are needed in order to bring the wolf back to life. The shadow land is only accessable by Death, the guardian wolf of Death. the souls can only be seen and guided by Soul Reaper (one of my wolves) and he helps to guide them back to life or to moonpack or place of no moon. if i missed anything, please feel free to ask questions!
(Thanks for the Help! I greatly appreciated that info. I was wondering if there was anything to mainly know about this RP.. But you just cleared that up. Thanks again! And if I need any help or questions, I know where to ask~
Winter padded into camp out of breath she had followed Spirit around all day and she was tuckered out.
(you mean Soul? :p) Soul nodded in understanding. IceFire then changed her mind. "Maybe i will go back" she thought aloud. this surprised Soul Reaper, but he listened intently.
"i'll wait for him, but i can't stay dead forever" Soul smiled. he would return her to the world of the living. "Stand still and close your eyes" he instructed, and Ice did as she was told. soul closed his eyes, and the circle on his forehead glowed white, Ice's soul colour. "now open" he said, and sat, waiting for her reaction. She opened her eyes. the necklace had disappeared, and she was flesh and blood once again, her shining silvery-white coat no longer shimmering. She gasped in happiness. just to make sure, she rested her forehead on a tree trunk. solid again she thought happily and sighed. "Thankyou" she said to Soul reaper. He nodded once, smiled, then turned, beat his white wings, and flew off above the tree canopy. Now to live again Ice thought, and raced through the trees.

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