Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

(K, thanks! I can't remember what my last charrie's name was
So here it is redone):

Name: Ranu
Gender: Female
Age: 3 (wolf age?)
Rank (wanted): Alpha female
Rank now: Alpha female
Mate: None; is searching for a mate.
Crush: None, yet
Pups: None
Family: Dacu (form coming soon)
Powers: Super strength, can shapeshift into a bird, TBA
History: TBA
Personality: Having had a tough past, Ranu can often come off harsh and callous. She can seem like she's starting to warm up to you one minute, and then the next she's as cold as if she had just met you. But deep within her, there in a soft spot.

Other: None
(Ahh, okay I see~) He looked at her with a small smirk upon his snout and nodded. He got up from grooming himself and star watching "Sure, why not?" he said quietly yet in that deep tone. He shook his fur and pricked his ears forward.
"This is Bo. He's a friend of mine"
"Cool" she said. "nice to meet you Bo.' she sat and looked at terra. "he reminds me heaps of icefire. they're so similar, it's almost scary."
then she frowned. "Actually i haven't seen Ice for days. I'm gettin kinda worried about her..." she trailed off. she realised she'd been so busy thinking of her crush for Sorren, she'd completely forgotten about Icefire.
Soul finally spotted her under the tree. he glided down, landed softly, and tucked his large white wings to the sides of his jet-black body. he walked up to her and sat next to her.
"hard without wings huh?" he joked and laughed.

Winter nodded,"Yeah even if I can move the plants out of my way."

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