Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Quote: Aquila teleported away and onto a tree, "You need to respect souls!" she snapped.
Blaze swiftly landed on her feet and faced Aquila in seconds.
SHe glanced down, "I am Aquila and I'm a light giver."
"What is a light giver?" asked Blaze.
"Basically light, lighting up places, bringing happiness."
"So what your like LIght?" she asked.
"Yes." she sighed.
"SO what like the sun?"
"I don't know..if it's light I guess so."
"Then you must be sun." she smiled.
DarkFire continued forward. "sorry, but that's not your decision to make" she said, with a sly smile.

Harmony approached the fast-growing group of element wolves. she only stood, listening to what they had to say.
Fire growled "Fire is taken get out of here" said Fire "I'm Fire not you I control fire so get lost or I'll make you" said Fire

Death was getting scared "Fire calm down no need to fight she doesn't have any power over Fire . your the true fire not this idiot girl" said Death.

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