Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

Sorren started to panic. Had she drowned? Or had she escaped? Had Kisha, his secret love, vanished forever? He kept on searching, hoping that she was still alive.
IceFire swam downwards, and started to notice a low, yellowish glow below her. the deeper ice went, the brighter and golder the glow got. she knew that glow. "oh no" ice whispered.
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Sorren started to panic. Had she drowned? Or had she escaped? Had Kisha, his secret love, vanished forever? He kept on searching, hoping that she was still alive.
IceFire swam downwards, and started to notice a low, yellowish glow below her. the deeper ice went, the brighter and golder the glow got. she knew that glow. "oh no" ice whispered.
Sorren noticed the glow, and launched himself downwards.
Blaze watch the sorta fight, "I guess since your busy, ill make friends somewhere else." Sighed Blaze.
Fire then saw Death coming.

Hey Fire I need you help. I have a death that is caused by fire" said Death.

Alright I'm going" said Fire then disappeared with Death.

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