want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

my hen won't lay anything. thanks!!
My grandpa used to give his laying hens soaked overnight whole oats warmed up and fed in a big pan in the mornings, he said it help his hens lay more eggs in the winter, I know they kept theirs up in a big chicken house in the winter, turning them out to forage on warm days and through the spring, summer, and fall. I know myself I keep lights on a timer on all my chickens(which are trios and pairs in indavidual cages) for 14-16 hours a day, year round, I get lots of eggs and good production except on really windy days, then my production seems to slow down for that day or the next, I have fed red pepper and I have found it to help in egg production and in the vigor of my birds in general. I raise Game Fowl, Austrolorps, Icelandics,Americaunas, RIR, New Hap reds, and some project birds. I have around 60- 80 birds(R&H included), I get 3- 4 dozen eggs a day here in north central Oklahoma. Hope this helps, enjoyed the visit and information, Later, Lynn in Okla.
We used a similar tonic on the chickens my family had when I was a teenager, except that we added a teaspoon to a gallon of water along with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. We also had a couple of turkeys at the time and it seemed to help them keep laying also.
Not true, I live in south louisiana and mine layed about 1 a day out of 3 hens that i know were laying now i have 12 that are all old enough to lay and im only getting 3-5 a day.....i think im gonna have to start banding the ones that i catch in the nest boxes.
My hens have laid all winter and I was wondering why. I wander now if it's the black pepper. I cook with alot of black pepper and a little red pepper and my hens are like pigs. They love my leftovers.

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