want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

Great Tip!!! Thanks for sharing!! Got a question....

I recently got 4-5 month old hens that are not laying just yet, they eat from the same feeder as the laying girls if I add the pepper to the feeder will it be ok if the younger, non-laying girls eat it too? The roos sometimes pick at the feed too, would it affect them at all besides giving them bad breath?

Cayenne pepper is ground up red pepper flakes (the one's you get in the pizza places)..

As for Fact or Fiction, I'm about to try it.. I ran out of feed yesterday and hubby won't be home in time to grab some from the store before they close.. SO! I whipped up some "chicken food".. lol.. I had some fish filets (unbreaded) in the freezer and I cooked all of it in a little bit of olive oil, added a can of coconut milk (that's used for cooking), lentils and about 2 tbs. of cayenne! If I get even 3-4 eggs a day, I'll be happy since the most I've been getting is 3... Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted!

ETA: Oh! And I'm gonna throw in a handful of dry cat food for extra protein!

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I can't say that it this was a cause and effect situation but when I did this we went from getting 6-9 eggs from 12 hens to 0 eggs for a day or two and then only one or two eggs a day for quite some time. They didn't lay normally until I upped their protein for about a week. That was the first time since we got our very first egg that we didn't get a single one. I thought it was strange.
I guess they loved it.. I put it in an 8"x11" pan and luckily with everything I put in it, it was almost to the top ('bout 1/8" from top).. They were jumping all over each other trying to get the goods.. ROFL!! If it wasn't raining, i would have taken the camera out there...I doubt there are any crumbs left... LOL

edited for typo

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