want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

Here's a dumb question... WHY does it work?

I want to know mechanics before I'd start cleaning out the spice drawer, and this smacks of an old wives' tale.
gonna try that, even though I have been getting a a fair amount of eggs all winter, what I've done is add an hour or two of light, plus extra food/protein - the treat they really like is the "Nutro Nuggets, Lamb and Rice" dog food from Costco - it runs about $23 for a 40-lb bag and I toss them about 2 - 4 cup scoops in the afternoon (for about 65 hens) - so the bag lasets about a month, they also get all kinds of scraps, meat, bread, veggies, whatever we can find. We had a cold spell in early Dec and up til then I was getting about 30-33 a day, when I added light, (and heatlamps on the really cold nights) it jumped to 45. Check your local backery outlets for dayold breads - one of ours sells a grocery cart full for $7 - I give them about 3 loaves (for 65 hens) as a morning treat and on really cold mornings I sometimes make them oatmeal (with oil added to help raise the omega 3 (along with some flaxseed in their feeder)
This is an old farmer's trick. I've tried it. Works great! Make sure the girls have a constant supply of warm water. I haven't lost any egg production due to the cold winter.
When this thread began, my girls were beginning to slack off egg production. I figured, what the hey, I'll give it a try.

Beyond enjoying their new and uniquely seasoned layer pellets, mixing red pepper into their feed has not made a lick of difference. In fact, egg production continues to decline further.

I would rather believe red pepper has other benefits than encouraging egg production, and over the years, the purpose has been misunderstood. I don't see that it can hurt during the winter months, and I'll continue to feed it to them because they seem to enjoy it.
Made me bust out laughing!
Went to the store and no cayenne pepper so I got red pepper flakes and mixed that with the feed..we'll see if is works!!!!! Go RIR's and EE"S go!!!!!!
Well, its been a week since I started to season my chicken food with cayenne pepper, and yesterday I got 5 eggs from 13 hens, Thats up one from my daily average, will post more news later when i see some results. I givem them about two tablespoons per daily ratio of food, and i mix it with scratch.
Its been almost 2 weeks since I started this and 2 maybe 3 of my 3 yr. old hens started laying...including the one I thought would take the longest. A week ago her comb and wattles were a dull dusky pink...now they're flaming red and she is laying. Now if I get my the 2 yr. old hens that have given me next to nothing laying...I will totally be a believer!

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