Want to add a rooster to my flock - need some advice

Ok guys, I have had Rocky (named by the previous owner) for a week now. I kept him in a separate pen for 6 days so he and the hens could get used to each other. Well I let him out today, and kept my hens inside their cage, and it went south right from the beginning!! He didn't even pay attention to the hens when I let him out. I walked away from the cage and he followed me the whole way, even tried to hit me 3 or 4 times. So I left and came back a little while later. He was with the hens, but then as soon as he saw me he came straight at me. With my hens being raised from chicks they are very friendly and fly up on my arms and let me pet them and stuff, but with him around I cant even walk near the cage. So I talked to the previous owner and told her it wasn't gonna work and that I would catch him and bring him back (something we previously agreed upon). But after reading all the responses on here I did some searching and I found an ad for a young BR roo on craigslist that I think I am going to try. But before I do, I need some help to make sure he is a roo because I don't want to get another hen lol So could you guys please take a look at this craigslist listing and give me your opinions? Thank you in advance :)

I have 2 silkie rooster and I can't keep them. Any one in the bay area who wants them FOR FREE. I don't want them killed or used for fighting (but I don't think people on here would do so)
Ok guys, I have had Rocky (named by the previous owner) for a week now. I kept him in a separate pen for 6 days so he and the hens could get used to each other. Well I let him out today, and kept my hens inside their cage, and it went south right from the beginning!! He didn't even pay attention to the hens when I let him out. I walked away from the cage and he followed me the whole way, even tried to hit me 3 or 4 times. So I left and came back a little while later. He was with the hens, but then as soon as he saw me he came straight at me. With my hens being raised from chicks they are very friendly and fly up on my arms and let me pet them and stuff, but with him around I cant even walk near the cage. So I talked to the previous owner and told her it wasn't gonna work and that I would catch him and bring him back (something we previously agreed upon). But after reading all the responses on here I did some searching and I found an ad for a young BR roo on craigslist that I think I am going to try. But before I do, I need some help to make sure he is a roo because I don't want to get another hen lol So could you guys please take a look at this craigslist listing and give me your opinions? Thank you in advance :)


I would say yes. His comb, waddles, and the thickness of his legs at 9 weeks all indicate that he is a boy. Good Luck. Hope he works out for you.
thank you! I have been talking to the owner and realized the post was about a month ago making the rooster approximately 13-14 weeks old now and the owner assures me it is definitely a roo :) So hopefully the second time is the charm!!
Only get 1 if your planning on getting a rooster. Also, if you want to breed, keep the 2 you want to breed separate from the rest of the hens. Good luck!
It's hard to know what a rooster is going to be like until you see him interact with the flock. My roos so far have been brooder mates with their hens. One docile to us, showed leadership qualities at a young age right away, predator weary. Protective of the hens, caring in many ways. If I moved too fast or shooed his girls...he would/does get a bit mad....LOL. but I understand he's just doing that to protect his hens and I guess if he's protecting them from predators...I'll just respect, that. I notice he's territorial about how he protects the hens... So certain parts of the yard are "sacred" so to speak...LOL. It's all so interesting really. And then when he's up on the deck on my territory I can pick him up, pet him give him treats, etc. Fickle bugger. he's a bit more leary or ornery near the coop. I sometimes just carry a "rooster stick" down to the coop when collecting eggs or tucking them in for the night. He doesn't come near me when I have the stick and yes I've ruffled his hind feathers just a bit when he's wanted to spur me...but now I don't even have to do that when I'm carrying the stick.

Then the other roo I had was more aggressive...took over the flock from the first one, by starting fights. He reigned over things for a week before I'd had enough.... He Had the girls all up on the roof of the coop on hot summer days, so they weren't eating or drinking... They wouldn't come off the roost until 11am-12noon they were so harassed as it was. It wasn't hard for me to chose who would stay and who would go. He wanted to mate so much that I watched a hawk dive bomb the flock and he didn't even see it coming...never had that with the first one in charge. Lucky I didn't lose any during that dreadful week.

Over all I'd highly recommend having a rooster for any free ranging flock. I wouldn't tolerate aggressiveness to hens or humans...there are plenty of docile smart ones out there looking for homes.
[quote name"Blackjack1392" url="/t/800173/want-to-add-a-rooster-to-my-flock-need-some-advice/30#post_11676233"]Ok guys, I have had Rocky (named by the previous owner) for a week now. I kept him in a separate pen for 6 days so he and the hens could get used to each other. Well I let him out today, and kept my hens inside their cage, and it went south right from the beginning!! He didn't even pay attention to the hens when I let him out. I walked away from the cage and he followed me the whole way, even tried to hit me 3 or 4 times. So I left and came back a little while later. He was with the hens, but then as soon as he saw me he came straight at me. With my hens being raised from chicks they are very friendly and fly up on my arms and let me pet them and stuff, but with him around I cant even walk near the cage. So I talked to the previous owner and told her it wasn't gonna work and that I would catch him and bring him back (something we previously agreed upon). But after reading all the responses on here I did some searching and I found an ad for a young BR roo on craigslist that I think I am going to try. But before I do, I need some help to make sure he is a roo because I don't want to get another hen lol So could you guys please take a look at this craigslist listing and give me your opinions? Thank you in advance :)


If he is 9 weeks, its a roo.
It just so happens that I am selling a BR rooster, but I live in Utah. He is 6 1/2 months old going on 7 months. He hasn't be de-wormed but he has a lot of plumage except for a spot where a chicken pecked him. I think he's starting to molt since I'm seeing BR feathers on the ground.

Your hens might not tolerate him at first since he is a male (plus a new chicken) and the matriarch will not like him the most. If you buy a rooster, you might want to introduce him at night so they would be nicer to him. Also, you can distract the hens with fruit or veggies to peck at in the morning so they can peck at that instead of the male.
So I have this gawky cockerel in with some pullets and 6 14 month old hens. The big girls don't take him seriously at all and still chase him away from food etc. He is in the middle of the pecking order...above the pullets but below the big girls and rightfully so as he is totally clueless about manners and how a gentleman rooster should behave. My question is when will he figure it out? He was hatched on 3/31 so is 16 weeks old now. My girls need a ROOSTER haha when can I expect him to step up? I know that it varies from breed to breed and bird to bird but any of your experience will help.


ETA he is a Delaware
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Well I returned Rocky to his previous owner this morning! And about an hour ago I went and picked up the Roo from the craigslist ad in my previous post. I haven't decided what to name him yet, but he is now between 14 and 15 weeks old. It was/is storming pretty bad so this is the only pic I have so far of him, but once the rain stops I'll be sure to get a few more. Any name suggestions?


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