Want to hatch some chicks, but cannot have a rooster.

Peep Peeper

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 25, 2013
My 7 year old really wants to hatch some chicks (and so do I), but we absolutely cannot keep a rooster in my neighborhood. Is there any way to sex a fertilized egg? I'm 99% sure the answer is no, but I'm asking anyway out of desperation. Lol.
No, unfortunately not. Sorry! Would it be possible for you to make some arrangements for any male chicks you do hatch? Someone that can take them and give them a good home?
The reason people arent allowed to have roosters is because of the noise.. The good thing about roosters is they are edible.. If he grows up and starts crowing, put him in a pot.. Hatching is awesome, but roosters happen 50% of the time
you could always try to hatch another kind of fowl, maybe ducks or quail? if you really want chickens you could buy pullets when those eggs hatch and put them together.

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