Sponsored Post Want to share your fresh eggs? Learn about the Local Hens community!

It would be interesting to touch on the legalities of selling your eggs, as well, as I believe in California, you have to be inspected and get a permit. Not that that will stop me from bartering with co-workers and neighbors for other things.
I have 11 laying and 5 just starting to lay. I am getting 9-11 eggs a day. I have 2 regular customers that purchase eggs from me. And no way could I ever with a clear mind sell my eggs for 6.95 a dozen! What I don't sell I give to family. Last week was the first time I ran out of eggs. And when I say that I mean I have less than 2 dozen in the fridge. When I get to the point of having to many eggs I plan on donating them to our local food pantry.
I don't have enough hens to make selling worthwhile but I give the eggs to my mum if her hens aren't laying and to my neighbours who kindly chicken sit for me when I go on holiday. They have a large family so are always happy with any donations.
We have 28 hens (Ameraucana, Leghorn, Plymoth Rock, and New Hampshires). After giving some to family and friends, we donate our surplus to the local food bank so those who cannot afford fresh eggs can get some good quality protein. Teaches our kids the importance of helping others and charity too.

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