Wanted: Chicken Sitter - Conroe, TX


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Conroe, TX
I'm looking for someone to chicken sit for about 55 chickens and feed my barn cats while I'm on vacation the first week of August.

You would need to live nearby and agree to open the pop door each am, feed and water the flock and then to stop by at dusk to make sure everyone is safely tucked into the coop before shutting the pop door. Also put food out for my barn cats each morning. I am willing to pay for this service as well as give you the eggs laid during that time.
I live too far away to help you, but this is a good idea. Perhaps we should start a chicken-sitter network so we don't have to worry so much when we need to leave home for a few days. I'd suggest a thorough list of references, though. Can't be too careful these days.

ETA: I hope you find someone trustworthy and reliable you can count on. Having a good pet / critter caretaker is SUCH a blessing! My good friend takes care of mine for me, but this means she and I can not travel anywhere more than overnight, because who would take care of her dogs and my menagerie? DH doesn't "do well" with them.
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Thanks! Hopefully I can find someone. If need be, my neighbor can probably let them out and feed in the am.
Did you find a chicken sitter? I live in Conroe and would be willing to come tend to your chickens. Maybe we could work out partial payment in trade for some laying hens. I lost 4 of mine over 2 days to the very heat before I put in a mister hose, ice water bottles, a fan, moved the coop and added shade! If you are interested, please send me an email at akamai42 at gmail dot com.
I live too far away to help you, but this is a good idea. Perhaps we should start a chicken-sitter network

What a fabulous idea
I would do it for you if lived close to you
Hope it works out for you
We should really start something like this for sure

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