Wanted: Day Old Anything Chick near Lancaster or Reading PA


12 Years
May 27, 2007
Morgantown, PA
We hatched a single chick from a nest that a broody quit last week. I don't think there are any others coming along & it is lonely. Does anyone have a day old that they would sell us that I could get asap? We aren't picky on breed!
Hi--I have a broody who is hatching right now--so far two are out--maybe more to come--They are barnyard mix--their mom is EE and Cochin and Dad is a White Phoenix. Let me know. I am close to either the Downingtown or KOP turnpike exits and I could meet you....send me a pm if interested...I will take some photos if you would like to see them...
I just posted b4 I saw yours...I have 6 of my chickens' eggs in my hatcher now. the first one just hatched out 15 min ago and its a pure NN- all black baby. Mom and Dad both have bibs in the front of their necks. Not sure what the other 5 eggs are- they are all brown eggs and can be NN or EE babies as the 2 Roos are those. I'm near Easton Pa in NJ. Maybe you aren't too far away? I'd sell them or trade for ???
Thanks for the help and suggestions everyone! I have PM'd Chiknlady, since she is closest to me. If it doesn't work out tomorrow, I'll either contact another one or you or head out to Roots. I haven't been there in ages.
The chick seems to be ok, but I hate leaving it alone!!
Thanks so much!
I know someone who just went out to roots. He got quite a few peeps for cheap. They have livestock auctions starting at 4, I think it is, every Tuesday. If you can't get one from someone go there
Thanks! I was thinking of Green Dragon too. I swear I just heard a peep from another egg that I though was rotten.... Maybe we'll get lucky with another one??

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