Wanted in Oregon, started pullets or young hens


11 Years
May 25, 2008
Winston, Oregon
I am looking for a few good layers to add to my 3-year-old flock of hens. I would be wanting darkly feathered heavy breeds of birds like welsummer, black australorp, dark Ameracauna or EE, or even brown leghorn. I would love to come across at least a couple of black-copper marans. I'm only needing 3-4 birds, started pullets or up to 2 years old. I just don't have enough eggs for my demanding customers anymore but only have room for 3-4 more birds. I can pay up to $10 a bird and will drive up to 100 miles to pick up.
Is it legal for me to reply to my own post just to bump it up to the top again? I hope so, cause I'm a doin it. Aren't there ANY pullets/hens in Oregon (anywhere south of Salem) needing a good home?
I'm sure you've checked craigslist, but if you haven't I'd do that, there's always something. I know I've seen EE's on there lately. Also, there is a store called Pioneer Feed, in Vancouver WA, that has chicks year round. They're great, if you want to make a vacation out of it!
I have a pair of EE's (or ameraucana's) that would be available, both are pullets. They are 16 weeks old, so should be laying soon. They are not dark, like you were looking for though. The are a light silver, blue and tan. It would be $15 each, and I could meet you in Eugene with them (if I remember correctly that would be closer for you). Let me know if you are interested.

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