WANTED: Your chicken calls!!!

It's all about associations. If you pick a sound (any sound, though one that is high pitched tends to get their attention easily) and do consistent rewards initially so that they associate the sound with something good. Then, after they have the association down, you make the treats more random & you have them totally hooked
I make a 'kshshsh kshsh' sound when I am sending them back into the coop and a high pitched 'keeeeeepkeepkeeepkeep' for treats. If you listen to the sounds a rooster makes when he is alarmed by a hawk and copy that, it works really well for sending them back into the coop
I have to say that my favourite thing is calling them and running toward the coop and then turn around and see them running / flying wildly toward me like feathered missiles! Puts a grin on my face every time.
Just be careful running and do not fall down and become incoherent. You may become the “meal”.

-Chickens – VELOCIRAPTORS - a small, feathered bipedal carnivorous dinosaur.

I love my chickens, I love my chickens, I love my chickens‼!
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I have tons of peacocks and when I moved my chickys out to the tractor coop I saw they ran back in when the peacocks would alert. I tried a hawk call and they did the same thing...smart little things. So now I am trying the training thing with a clap clap clap ..then the hawk sound (which I DO NOT want to over use ) to get them back in. Did I mention I have no problem getting them out...just in
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''Heeeeere, chickie-chickie-chickies!'' But be careful, my goats like chicken food, (make that any food)and they will jump the fence sometimes when they hear me calling the chickens.
It works for ducks too.
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I whistle and all my birds come running.... even a few sparrows... They think I was inviting them too or something.
Mine come running whenever I set foot outside. Spoiled???? Probably

Anyway, they don't seem to even hear whatever I say to them
but no biggie since I don't really have to call them. Walking across the yard gets all 5 of the adults, and at least half of the younger generation to follow me. I figure the stragglers will catch on soon enough
I hear ya there.

I call "Tock, tock, tock, tock, TOCKIE!" and they all come sprinting.

That and I carry the same feed bucket, day in, day out. They learn to look out for it

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