ward 1

OOk thank you I appreciate it but im wondering if I can keep my rooster? I know there is a farm down the road but its been there for five generations and I think they are grandfathered in..so I guess ill have to be safe than sorry and put the rooster out, it would stink if down the road I find out I could have kept him bc he is a beauty and really nice but protective towards the hens.
Would it be possible to give the too to my girlfriends mom and then when we want fertile eggs bring a few hens over and pen them up together? That way its like we have a roosters fertile eggs for hatching but without the problems of neighbor complaints.
I cannot give you specific advice on what you can and cannot keep on your property. Even if your municipal code allows for fowl, the zoning restrictions for your specific lot trump the city laws. You need to look at your deed and call the city to verify what you can and cannot have.

Most cities have noise ordinances which disallow the keeping of roosters. Even if your neighbors have one, it does not mean it is legal.
Yes I know which is why we are giving him to my grl friends mother. I don't want people to make me get rid of my hens since I have a few extra bc of a noisy rooster when they would never know they were there in the first place if it wasn't for roo

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