*WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES* HELP hatching emergency


6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Eastern Washington
It's day 21. I had 10 eggs going into lockdown. Of those eggs, 4 have hatched, 4 have pipped. ONE OF MY HATCHLINGS:

The chick was malpositioned and pipped last night. I thought it wasn't a big deal and I'd just keep an eye on it, it's happened before. Well I noticed yellow fluid coming from the egg. It had pipped and PIERCED the yolk. I watched it for the past 24 hours and it just unzipped about 2 hours ago but was stuck to the shell. I loosened the membrane from the chick and PUT IT IN THE INCUBATOR(NOTE the chick had not hatched yet). About a half an hour ago I checked on it and it had pushed out of the shell. A puddle of green fluid surrounded it and pooled inside the shell. The chick has a HUGE yolk sack that hasn't absorbed. Is there any hope??
I had a chick like that I didn't cull it because it had such a great personality, but it did die- yours doesnt have alot of stuffl hanging- be careful of it wanting to walk around though- the underbelly stuff might stick to the paper and pull more out. if the chick is leaking try and put flour out to stop the flow.

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