Warning: sad, disturbing story


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Jonesborough, TN
There was a lot of police cars and an ambulance at my next door neighboors' house last night so this morning, I went over to check on them. Sadly, I was told by the woman, who has been very open to the chicken in my yard, that her husband shot and killed himself in the backyard. I can see the chair they found him in, as well as a beer can and his walking stick from my hen house. It's really upsetting! They moved here recently, and I don't think they have any friends or family! It's just so sad.
That is so sad. He must have had some disturbing issues blocked up inside. You here about this type of thing everyday, but when it hits home, that's when it's an eye opener

She will need you as a friend at this time, so go and give her a
from all of BYC 11444 members.
Thats terrible. We just recently had a similar tragedy strike our area , its a tough thing to go through. The poor wife.
How terrible. I'm so sorry your having to go through this and certainly sorry for your neighbors. I'm sure she could use your support right now.
im actually in 8th grade and we recently had a 9th grader shot himself in the head everyone was pretty numb the first couple days after. it is just so weird because you dont think it could happen around you.

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