Was given these hens. What are they?

The black/white ones are Silver Laced Wyandottes. The darker red one is likely a hatchery quality Rhode Island Red. The lighter two red ones may be hatchery quality New Hampshires.

The black and white birds are silver laced Wyandottes.

The lighter gold-ish colored hens look to be some sort of red sex link.

The darker red bird, I can't tell if she's molting/regrowing feathers, or if she has white feathers mixed in. If the latter, she's also a variety of red sex link. If the former, she's a production red, which is basically a generic Red hen from a hatchery bred to lay a crapton of eggs.

Pretty little starter flock
Black & whites are probably Silver Laced Wyandottes "can't see the combs", darker red is a Production Red, lighter red ones are Red Sexlinks. All should be good layers.
In another post you stated that you were going to building a new/larger coop/run for your girls.

Have you started yet? Love to see/hear about that!

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