Was not welcomed into the fold...


7 Years
Jul 10, 2013
South Carolina
This little guy was picked on by a rooster when I attempted to add four new chickens to my original four. He/she got pecked in the head overnight and I finally couldn't stand it (Even as a novice I knew there was going to be some pecking order establishment/violence), I put the poor little guy in solitary. It's been a couple of days and his head has scabbed over, but his bottom is gross. It looks all sticky, kind of like crusty butt, but he still poops a lot. What's up with that? What do I do?
How old is the chick?? You can try gently washing/soaking the vent area to remove all the dried on poop - you may have to do this a couple of times a day until it's all cleaned up. As a last resort you can clip away the really matted feathers.
When his head has healed you can try him in with the others again. If it's just 1 bird that's the bully, separate the bully from the rest for a couple of days then re-introduce to the flock, Sue
I really don't know how old he is. I was trying to get some pullets to replace cockerels, and he apparently came with the group... I would not have chosen him because I was trying to match the size/age of my 4 original birds (who are about 19 weeks). Thanks for the info on cleaning him up and getting him back with the rest. Hope it goes well, and that he turns out to be a girl!

I posted this pic in another thread, and so far all the guesses are roo.

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