'Water' from both ends, please offer me some advice!


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2015
So I'm completely new to keeping chicken,I got my first ones about two months ago.

This might be a long entry, but I want to include as much info as I can.

About three days ago I bought five chicken from my neighbor, they're about two months old.
It's been pretty hot recently, and the three small pullets have been pretty tired from that, just basically lying around in the shade all day until nighttime when it became a bit colder. I also thought they might have been a little stressed from moving from one place to another.

But today I noticed that one of the three pullets was VERY lethargic so I picked her up and i noticed water running from her beak like she was vomiting or something. After some googling, I thought it might be impacted crop. The crop felt pretty big, but not hard or anything. I massaged it while leaning her forward so that she'd hopefully spit up whatever is in it. A LOT of water came out, along with some mushy bits of food. It didn't give off a smell, and the liquid was pretty clear so i don't think it's a sour crop. I can't feel any hard obstruction either.

She also has watery diarrhea (clear liquid), and her vent is really red and swollen. She's sleeping and feels weak, although sometimes she runs around too.

Could this be some sort of intestinal blockage? Should i keep her isolated from the rest in case it's something contagious?

I should add that about a week ago, my smallest cockerel died from what i assumed was coccidiosis. He got sick really quickly and I found him in the morning dead with bloody droppings. (he was fine around 10 pm, and 8 am he was dead)
I disinfected the coop with bleach as best i could and gave the others apple cider vinegar and yogurt and i did not notice any abnormal droppings from them, so i assumed they are fine, but i guess they might be carrying the parasite or it might be present in the soil.

Could my pullet have coccidiosis too? I haven't read anywhere it can cause water running from their beak and from what i've gathered it takes them 5-6 days to show significant symptoms from it, and she hasn't been potentially exposed to it for that long.

I would talk to my neighbor but she isn't home until tonight, so any advice on what to do next is appreciated!
Thanks, I'll see if I can get ahold of a veterinarian. I live in Sweden, and i'm pretty sure you need a prescription for it.

I think i'll isolate her in her own cage and try giving her some yogurt in the meantime, so I can keep an eye on her droppings and general state easier.
I read somewhere that yogurt would help because of the probiotics.

We don't have buttermilk here, but we have something called "filmjölk" which is a cultured, soured milk. Do you think it can be used instead?
It doesn't sound like cocci to me, but it couldn't hurt to treat them for that. It could be a blockage, in which case there probably isn't much you can do (since it wouldn't be an egg at that age, but more likely a tumor or congenital problem). Maybe it is just heat stroke though, so I'd try adding ice to their water and putting a fan on them if possible.
I actually just went outside and put ice and a bit of apple cider vinegar in their water. I also gave all of them filmjölk (cultured soured milk), and put the sick pullet in her own cage in the shade.

I got her to drink a little both of the water and the milk, but she isn't really interested in it and either lies down like she's sleeping or stands in the corner all puffed up. I really hope she'll make it, poor girl :(

Can they get diarrhea and swollen vent from heat stroke? (Sorry if this is a dumb question!)
I think she's perked up a little now.
At least she is standing up instead of just lying down the whole time, she realized her friends were on the other side of the cage and tried to get to them. She's also pooped a bit and even it's runny there's some brown stuff in it now and not just water so here's hoping she'll get better!

Reviving this thread because she's still sick and now i'm really confused to what's going on.

Her poo is more solid now and looks more normal, and her vent isn't swollen any longer but she has a lot of white stuff stuck to her butt which has been dripping from the butt feathers (sorry lol it's the best way i can describe it)
I've been cleaning it off the last few days in the shower because it's smelly and she can't really clean it off herself, because it's caked on like cement.

She's very tired and still has a bad appetite and doesn't drink much. Her crop feels pretty empty most of the time.

I also saw today she has little red spots on her feet, and I've included a picture of that (and her butt)

Going to a vet isn't an option, and I'm starting to feel reluctant about keeping her if she's in pain :/ I really don't wanna put her down, but I feel like that's the most humane option if she doesn't get better....I don't want her to be in pain.

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