Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

I've used a few more of my wg eggs and I'm finding the yolks to be very fragile. Great for baking or scrambled eggs. I have so many eggs right now, I'm feeding them to the dogs, as they are now almost a year old and I want to use them up. I'm getting no complaints from the dogs! 😉
I feed to my 6 dogs and some to chickens, 25+, so this year I’m going to try water glassing. Might as well feed to them as to giving them away.
I just finished up a jar of my lime water preserved eggs (calcium hydroxide).

Can I reuse the solution, or do I need to start fresh?
I personally would start fresh. Lime isin't that expensive and that way you know it would be good. How were the eggs? I haven't eaten any of mine yet, my ladies are still laying enough eggs that I haven't been out of any yet
How were the eggs? I haven't eaten any of mine yet, my ladies are still laying enough eggs that I haven't been out of any yet
They were good! Mine were from March or so this year. A lot of the yolks broke as soon as we cracked them and the whites were very runny, but they were fine flavorwise. We used them for baked goods, pancakes, and bread pudding without issue. I tried them for egg drop ramen soup today and they did not make the pretty ribbons of eggs, but the flavor was still fine. Without the ramen it would have been ugly soup.

I'm in a very warm climate and would often let my house reach 80°F or so in the summer. I stored the eggs in a closet.
Eating my first water glassed eggs! Made them scrambled, they are very good! Like everyone else has said, runnier than normal but they scrambled fine and I baked cookies with some last night, turned out great! 10/10
That’s very encouraging, thanks for sharing your experience! Where do you keep your water glassed eggs? I haven’t tried to do that yet because I’m not sure where I’d put them. I have a house that’s 2 sizes too small with a basement that’s more of Fruit cellar that isn’t too secure.
I just found this thread today! I’m so glad I did. I have eggs in a jar from October 2021 that I decided to experiment with, tucked them away, and have kind of forgotten about. I will crack a couple today to see what they look like. (I thought about it last fall, but was kind of afraid to try.) If they’re good, I’ll probably use them for breakfasts. DH says, “You go right ahead. I’m not eating them!”

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