Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

Eating my first water glassed eggs! Made them scrambled, they are very good! Like everyone else has said, runnier than normal but they scrambled fine and I baked cookies with some last night, turned out great! 10/10
I just ate my first ones today, too! I'd preserved them in June. They tasted fine, watery when cracked open, as expected. I had two where the shells broke as I was rinsing them, so I didn't use those ( saving them for a chicken to eat), and one just looked odder to me, so I didn't eat that one.
Now waiting to see if the stomach thinks they are ok. Still good so far. :)

I kept mine in my mom's basement.
Where do you keep your water glassed eggs? I haven’t tried to do that yet because I’m not sure where I’d put them. I have a house that’s 2 sizes too small with a basement that’s more of Fruit cellar that isn’t too secure.
I kept mine the the back corner of my closet. Nothing fancy, just as out of the way as I could manage. I used gallon pickle jars and my house occasionally is very warm (80°-90°F) in the summer and so far all have been fine.

I had a few that cracked, presumably during transport from one house to another, but did not leach into the water. I just mixed those with water and added to the soil of my garden. I wasn't sure if they were safe for any of my animals.
I kept mine the the back corner of my closet. Nothing fancy, just as out of the way as I could manage. I used gallon pickle jars and my house occasionally is very warm (80°-90°F) in the summer and so far all have been fine.
^This. It doesn't take anything fancy. This preservation technique was developed before electricity, so anywhere dark and out of the way is fine. In a closet or in a bucket in the corner are fine.

I had a few that cracked, presumably during transport from one house to another, but did not leach into the water. I just mixed those with water and added to the soil of my garden. I wasn't sure if they were safe for any of my animals.
Sounds like you handled it great. I'm in my 4th year of using this technique. I've been getting fewer and fewer cracked/bad eggs each year. 2 keys: place them in the container carefully and don't jostle the container. Initially, I had ~90% success rate and I'm up to about ~97% (1 out of 3 dozen) bad now.
The main way that an egg can go bad is if the shell is cracked and allows the lime water in. If you have an obviously cracked egg, then discard or compost it. If you have any doubts at all, then crack the egg into a separate dish (not into the 3 eggs that you cracked open before it) and only use it if it looks/smells okay.
I kept mine the the back corner of my closet. Nothing fancy, just as out of the way as I could manage. I used gallon pickle jars and my house occasionally is very warm (80°-90°F) in the summer and so far all have been fine.

I had a few that cracked, presumably during transport from one house to another, but did not leach into the water. I just mixed those with water and added to the soil of my garden. I wasn't sure if they were safe for any of my animals.
Thanks! I was wondering about the temperatures. Very encouraging thank you!
That’s very encouraging, thanks for sharing your experience! Where do you keep your water glassed eggs? I haven’t tried to do that yet because I’m not sure where I’d put them. I have a house that’s 2 sizes too small with a basement that’s more of Fruit cellar that isn’t too secure.
I keep mine in my basement, with all the food I've canned. It stays about 50° down there in the winter and a little warmer in the summer. I put mine in a two gallon glass jar I bought at Walmart
@TooCheep , do you reuse the water or start fresh each time? I did 1oz of lime by weight to 1 quart of water.
Yup. That is the standard mixture. You'll get some of the lime settling out, but that is normal.

As for reuse, I don't know one way or another if it is okay. It probably is okay, but the lime is quite cheap, so I haven't wanted to risk an entire winters worth of eggs to test it. I just create fresh each year.

I suppose someone could test it using a smaller container with reused lime while they put the majority of their eggs in fresh lime water. Once they've established that the reused lime water works fine, they could share that test here for others to learn from. I have a 3lb bag of lime which will last for years, so I haven't felt the need to try it.
I just found this thread today! I’m so glad I did. I have eggs in a jar from October 2021 that I decided to experiment with, tucked them away, and have kind of forgotten about. I will crack a couple today to see what they look like. (I thought about it last fall, but was kind of afraid to try.) If they’re good, I’ll probably use them for breakfasts. DH says, “You go right ahead. I’m not eating them!”
Make sure you put on an Oscar-winning performance of dying in front of him after eating the eggs. ;)
I finally got around to cracking one of my WG eggs. It looked and smelled like an egg, was a little watery, but fried up OK and the little bite I took tasted fine. (It was after supper, so I wasn’t real hungry.)


The white wasn’t firm enough for me to flip it decently, but I was able to make it over easy.
Coming back to say that it's been over 12 hours since I've eaten my water glassed eggs this morning. My stomach is very upset. I was fine all day, then got sick after supper. It could have been supper that got me sick and not the eggs. I will definitely be trying my eggs again, my hubby ate them with me and is completely fine

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