water in the coop overnight?


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Langley, Washington
Do chickens need water overnight? It would seem not. I'd prefer to keep the waterer outside as they keep knocking it over.

I am going to order one of those avian mister kits, but I'd still prefer to have the water outside.

Also, my tractor setup doesn't have a whole lot of room for inside waterers and feeders right now.
I am not sure when they are drinking, but from the time I put my chickens in at night until the next morning the water line goes down quite a bit in my two water containers. I would be uncomfortable locking them in my coop overnight without water.
We have a waterer inside and outside. Ours do drink at night. I always have to refresh it at bedtime. Depending on your tractor, you might want to look at some of the small ones that hook to the wall like a rabbit waterer? Takes no floor room. We have a 1/2 gal (small) one inside and it does not take much floor room. Then I have a gal one hanging in the run for daytime.
We also keep a waterer inside and outside. There are so many different types of waterers available. You might want to find a smaller sturdy type that works in your tractor. Chickens should always have water available.
Hmmm, my girls get closed into the top part of the tractor with no water and they have been just fine. They go up about 8pm and are let out at 6:30am. Space is an issue for me too, and there are no windows. I doubt they could find water in the dark even if I put it there!
Hey Gwen, instead of shelling big bucks out for the avian aqua miser, check out my byc page. Kind of the same thing, but a heck of a lot cheaper! Just a thought.
I'd say it depends how early you let them out. Remember they are up at the crack of dawn, and they wake up thirsty.
Trilyn, I just got the 'kit' which was only $15 and comes with a few nipples and detailed instructions. I just seemed easier to me. On some of the sites that sell nipples, they show more than one and I didn't know which to choose, etc.
That'll work! Now that you've gotten the kit and are in the "know", you'll be able to purchase elsewhere for cheaper. Congratulations-I know you'll enjoy using this type of a system. It's cleaner, easier and I think it's more beneficial for the chickens to have fresh clean water available. I know they'll drink out of mud puddles and their own poopy water, but still. Ick!
I usually go to bed quite late and get up early so generally dont leave water in overnight after they are a bit older.

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