water is too hot!


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Tucson, AZ
I live in Arizona and need to figure out a way to keep my chickens water cool. I have huge water bowls but the water gets very hot. Even the water out of the hose and pipes is too warm. I was thinking freeze 2 liter bottles and add them to the water troughs. Also looking to invest in a patio mister. I get home from work at 2pm and poor chickens are thirsty and hot. I make them a big mud puddle and they love that.
We tell our customers to add some ice to the water. This works well because The BriteTap chicken waterer fits onto an insulated Igloo or Rubbermaid water cooler, but it might also help in your case too. It really depends on how much ice you add.
I live in Arizona. I even get sunburned in the shade! The water comes out of the pipes warm. When I was poor I used to turn off my gas water heater in the summer. Will definitely get a cooler. Some neighbors threw away a couple old big ones recently. Too bad I didn't see use for that!

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