Water nipples

I have heard of people using nipples when the chicks are less than a week old. I personally have not used them until the chicks are 4 weeks old. To get your chicks to use the nipples you have to first remove all other sources of water. Chicks will be attracted to the color red and to that shiny piece of metal. They will naturally be curious and start to peck at it to see if it is food. Once one figures out it gives water, they all figure it out. Have never had a chick or chicken take longer than a couple hours to figure out how to use nipples.
I’ve had week old chicks accept nipples readily I did start them on a drip nipple similar to vertical nipples because that is so much easier to push and after another week or two I transitioned to the horizontal push type nipple. I waited until they seems strong enough to push the button easily.
I started mine on vertical nipples on day 1. They took right to it, most preferred the nipples, and by day 5ish I removed the small open waterer. Could have removed it sooner but it was my first time with nipples and I was nervous. Next time, day 2 or 3 the open waterer is gone.

I've read the chicks need to be at least 3 weeks old in order to be strong enough to use horizontal nipples because they are spring loaded.

Here are some of mine on day 2 using the nipples:
They see this shiny thing and instinctively peck it. Then ooooooo! Water! And BAM! They figured it out.

I agree! Red and shiny both, they went right for it.

My problem with them is that the majority fail and leak.

For me they kept walking under them and the water would drip down them or into the bucket lid below. With enough chicks, it felt like some days there was a constant flow of dripping!
I agree! Red and shiny both, they went right for it.

For me they kept walking under them and the water would drip down them or into the bucket lid below. With enough chicks, it felt like some days there was a constant flow of dripping!
Yep. I only use them now if I am going away for the weekend or something. Otherwise the 2 min it takes to refill a mason jar waterer or jug waterer is worth not having the soggy mess

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