Water platform a la Metzers?


12 Years
Aug 17, 2009
Carroll County, GA
Metzers talks about a platform for ducks waterer in their rearing suggestions...

Waterfowl can also be very messy with their water. For them it is best to make a wire platform on which the waterer sits. For babies it can be 1/2" hardware cloth and for adults it can be 1" welded wire nailed on to wood cross pieces. This can be placed over a pan for the babies or over a pit in the ground for the adults. The platform should be large enough to extend at least 6" out from the edge of the waterer for the babies and 30" for the adults. With this platform, any spilled water goes through the wire and out of reach. They cannot track it back to the bedding or make a mud puddle with it. Their drinking water stays cleaner, too. All of our birds (from babies to adults) have some sort of wire or plastic platform under their waters to keep their pen or pasture drier.

Has anyone built and use one like they describe? Did it work well?

Saw what they use for their adult ducks - wish there was a picture of what they use for the ducklings.
I have heard of people BUYING devices like this on Ebay. I'd do it if I were you! Especially if you put wood chips in with them as I do. I have to change the waterer like 4 times a day just cause it's clogged up by wood chips.
I have used a cake/ cookie cooling rack under the water container in the past in the brooder with my ducklings. I put a tray underneath to catch the drips. It worked ok - but only with smaller numbers of babies- as larger groups would crowd around and still drip water everywhere onto the shavings.

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