Waterer/Feeder for baby chicks/chickens??


7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
We're new to raising chickens and were wondering what we need to order. We're ordering day-old chicks, and are considering ordering the waterer/feeder from the site (we're only getting 4 chickens.) Does anyone have any advice on what kind of waterer/feeder we need?
I like the feeder that connects to the mason jars, they are easy and they don't seem to poop too much in the food, but I got the same mason jar waterer, and the water has to be changed so often because food and shavings get in there it is really a pain. I have heard several people on heretalking about using the hamster waterers with excellent results, and they have said the chicks get the hang of it very quickly, if I had to do it again, I would do that waterer. this is my first set of chicks, and they are three weeks now.
I have the mason jar waterer, the Glug waterer from Omlet, and the 1 gallon regular chicken waterer from Tractor Supply. But my favorite has been the 64 oz rabbit water bottle from Petsmart! I started with a parrot water bottle, touched each chick's beak to the ball at the end of the tube on the bottle, and let her feel the water dripping out. They caught on in no time flat, and now that's all they use. No mess, no poop, and they love playing with it and getting their drinks. Good luck with what ever you decide ;)

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