watering with duck water ?


12 Years
Feb 14, 2011
Southern Colorado
Just wondering how everyone does it. Do you wait a while, do you water it down, directly on plants, how much, flowers and vegis... Any info would help .

I put a kiddie pool next to the veggie garden after I planted it and just used a bucket and watered each plant. Until I just couldn't easily water it like that anymore.
Water went straight from their pool to the plants.
I dump the wading pools into a bucket every morning, and with it directly water a rotation of vegetables that have no edible parts growing in or near the soil that might get splashed, and which are known nitrogen hogs. Lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, beets, potatoes: no. Corn, squash, artichokes, brussels sprouts: yes. Tomatoes, peppers: rarely (because too much nitrogen creates rank-growing plants with soft, late-setting fruit). Asparagus, which won't be harvested until next spring: absolutely. The compost pile, hungry for nitrogen and moisture? Anytime the garden itself doesn't need watering.
I use a sump pump with a hose attached and dump them every 3 days directly on the lawn,plants and garden. I use the pump and hose so I dont have to bucket out the water or break the plastic kiddie pools when dumping. Plus no mess and no water wasted at all with this method. Im in florida so I put the water on everything. Watch your plants and they will tell you if its too much.
When I made the run, I dug a shallow channel over to the grape arbor which is slightly downhill from the run. When I dump the concrete mixing pan that is their swim pan, the water travels over to the grapes. They seem to really like it.

I sometimes put duck poop on the soil next to plants, sometimes make a tea, often put the used duck straw on the compost or around the bases of fruit and flower bushes.

It all seems to work nicely.
I water it down a bit, but use it on everything except greens. I also pour it all over the garden beds in fall and winter. I had some pepper plants that have been getting steady doses, but there is one I kept missing because it is behind a big oregano plant. It is about half the size of the duck water enriched plants.
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I use it straight on just about everything, but especially perennials--trees, shrubs, grape vines, etc. Also on vines--luffa, pumpkin, etc. The ducks themselves do a good job of diluting it and aerating it. The trees and vines especially LOVE it.
Thanks everyone. I tried it on a couple of my flowers yesterday while emptying their tank but was afraid to use it on all of my plants because I was worried I would burn them. They are still alive today! So I am taking it that everyone cleans out their water at least once a week so the water isn't that bad, not super brown water? I will start to use it on my corn and calivasitas(squash) and cucumbers and hopefully it will work out well.
If you're worried about it burning them, you can let it sit for a day or two, and it essentially becomes "compost tea," a commonly used fertilizer in organic gardening. But I have NEVER had it burn something--I think it's too dilute, even after several days without a water change. Even when the water is black with goo. Good luck--I think you'll be very pleased with your results.
Corn, squash and cucumbers should love duck water.

Every day my duck pond water goes onto my vegetable garden via a drip irrigation system. It doesn't get onto the leaves but goes straight to the soil. The garden soil is rich and full of earthworms. And the plants are very happy.

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