Counting chickens

6 Years
Jan 2, 2018
South of Waco...
I started out with a shallow dish (< 1 inch) for my chicks, which worked well, but ran out quickly and got nasty.
Since then I have used the standard large plastic waterer, (round, red and clear) (gets nasty)
They could not activate the cups, and don't need to understand the horizontal nipples.
And I'm scared to force the issue, as I don't want them to get dehydrated.
They are now about 2 weeks old, and under cover, indoors, no freeze danger.

Any suggestions?
You've got healthy active messy chicks. My chick waterer needs changing twice a day and elevating it is a must as you have discovered. I moved the water and food in my brooder to the very end, put them both up on bricks so the chicks had to hop up on the bricks out of the bedding. That way they did not kick up quite so much mess. Hope that helps as little.
I gradually raise it up on bricks or whatever, making a platform, so it stays less messy. It gets rinsed daily, and works well. Chickens are messy! They don't care what lands in the waterer, so just keep it 'good enough' and don't worry about it.
Put a piece of plywood on top of 2 x 3 or 4 on there side and make a platform. They should be able to use horizontal nipples also. After 3 weeks I made this pitcher for my brooder.

Put a piece of plywood on top of 2 x 3 or 4 on there side and make a platform. They should be able to use horizontal nipples also. After 3 weeks I made this pitcher for my brooder.
View attachment 1263581
View attachment 1263582
you have pictures of two waterers, do you use both? I was just thinking I would have the horizontal side chicken waterers for my quail, do you think that will work?

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