Waterly poop


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
darlington pa
My Coop
My Coop
This is a sex link hen,going on 3 years old.She has a history of being eggbound.She has not been laying for about 2 weeks.Friday i noticed she did not come in for the morning oatmeal,staying off by her self.I brought her in did the egg bath, mineral oil in vent,started her on pen g. She has been in the house.At first the poop looked like egg bound poo,now it is brownish water no texture in it.I wormed her with wazine,nothing expelled.She is eating better and drinks a lot of water.The poo is water and stinky,i also noticed feathers in her cage,she never molted the entire time i have had her.Do not know what to do,i will take care of her myself cause the vets are expensive and r not good with chickens,been ther eand done that.Any ideas thx
Have you checked her for lice and mites? Also, check her crop to make sure it is not impacted or sour. Any of these can cause the symptoms you describe. They could also be due to molting, which places a lot of stress on the chickens' system. Any other chickens in your flock experiencing similar symptoms?

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