Watery green poop?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have a rooster who isn't him self, hes getting older, probably 3 years now. He keeps having runny diarrhea and his comb is more pale and he doesn't want to come outside. I wormed him and all the other outdoor chickens a little over a week ago with safe guard.

I think he poops green because of the corn he eats, we feed corn to our chickens and all of them make green poop when they eat a lot, but his is not normal, its darker green and very runny.

What could this be? Is he just getting old? Or is he sick with something contagious?

Please help, thanks!
Is his water intake the same as always? With the color being off and him being antisocial it sounds like maybe something intestinal. How long after deworming did it start?
Id say a few days. 2 or 3. He's had this wormer before and been fine.

Should I treat for cocci? I had some chicks pooping blood so I am treating them. I don't know what causes the bloody poop but this is something all but one of my outdoor chickens has come down with this year.

We recently had a mice infestation. They got into horse feed on the high tables way in back and bred out of control before I knew they were there. I have been trapping them left and right. They have crapped all over everything and i did my best to pitch the old feed and vacuum up everything, they even got up into the chickens cages but I've fixed the problem by greasing the table legs.

Could he be diseased?! :O
I'm not entirely sure but with the others coming down w stool issues I'm almost sure there's some sort of intestinal issue so it's probably not his age. At this point I'd maybe try him on 1/2 dose plus some water w electrolytes or a lil sugar to pep him up. He'll fight it off better if his energy is up. I've got a barred rock w a limp right now and have ruled out everything. She's only 1.5 yrs old and she's only one of seven hens we have so they are like our pets as well. It's hard to feel so helpless. Uggggg! I sure hope he gets better soon-- **** those mice. Grrrrr. Keep me posted n good luck!

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