Watery poop?


8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
A couple of my chickens I've noticed are pooping very watery...Almost no color just water...Stuff...I'm thinking its maybe because its getting a lot hotter outside....But not for sure...Any ideas as to what it is? Thanks. :)
Watery droppings can be produced by hens which are too hot. It can be a way for them to cool down by drinking a lot and losing some of their heat in frequent wet droppings. It can also be a sign that the hens are not eating enough too.
I've been noticing that some of my chickens have watery poos early in the morning when it's still nice and cool outside. Also the only time I can really inspect their poo because they won't go on the concrete when it gets hot out. It's definitely been getting warmer here. Up to 97 degrees on some days. But would that still cause them to have watery poos in the cool mornings? They all seem healthy and normal.

I've got a girl right now with watery poo....but it's winter time. 0f forecast for overnight tonight. Any other things that create watery poo? She's also in a molt (or at least I hope and it's not malnutrition) with her neck feathers missing. Worms maybe?
My 7month old EE has very watry poop. I have read the info that says it is related to heat but it is only in the 70's outside. What are some other causes?
I read an article on Fresh Eggs Daily that recommends putting a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water to boost chickens general health. My EE is 7 months old and started passing clear watery poop after drinking the water. Is this a problem?
We've also got a chicken with watery poop, however, it's been getting to about 12 degrees at the most and she won't eat and will only drink a little. She won't move so we're resigning ourselves to the fact she might not get better :/ any ideas what she could be experiencing?
Wondering if any I you solved your watery poop issue? I've got one hen that does this, almost clear. It's a nice 75 degree California day and still, watery poops. Like someone before me said, I too give my girls ACV in their water.

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