

9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Uxbridge, MA
Do hens have wattles, or is it just the roosters? I have a baby "hen" - a RIR - and "she" is starting to show signs of growing some wattles, so I'm just trying to figure out is She will turn out to be a He.
Hens get wattles too but usually not until they are getting ready to lay. If the chick is only a few weeks old then it is probably a little roo. Post a pic of the little bugger and someone should be able to tell you for sure.
I can't seem to get a decent picture. Every time I snap it, she/he turns away... I'm told she was hatched at the end of march, although, she hasn't really started to get a comb, looks like the wattles are starting to "take off" before the comb, and she/he (angel - named by my daughter) is ALOT smaller than the other 2 we got that were hatched around the same time.

Here is what I have been able to take of Angel so far..... I will try to get better ones tomorrow.

My little 5 wk old cuckoo marans chick has some small gray waddles, but she has the coloring of a female
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These pics are a little better to see.... Still don't know if she is really a he! The lady we got them from did tell us that if she was wrong on the sex and we got any roosters then she would take it back and exchange him for a her....


i would have to say a hen here is a pic of my RIR that is almost 10 weeks old was told it was a she but she turened up being a he still waiting for the first crow lol also in the pic is another one of my RIR that is the same age and she is a she lol


pic of just my RIR ROO at almost 10 weeks old


hope this helps

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