Way less eggs than normal


Nov 16, 2015
Northern CA
So for about the past week my flock of 7 who usually lay 6-7 eggs per day has been laying 3-4, and yesterday we got 0.... Granted, I do have a broody right now, but that still doesn't add up. They are still eating normal, as far as I can tell and aren't acting different. The only difference that might have taken place is their weight(now I'm not 100% they are a different weight, it could just be me trying to look for problems, but still). Some of them feel like they could be a tad lighter. Also, a couple of the girl's combs seem a little less red than normal. Any help is appreciated:) I want to make sure my girls are happy and healthy!! Thanks! They are Australorps and Easter Eggers who are about 9 months old.
It's common for laying to decrease during days of decreasing light. Weather changes will also cause production to go up and down. Your best production will be in the early to middle spring under increasing daylight.
Are you sure they arent "hiding" eggs? Are they always in a run or free-ranging? If free ranging, and the broody is in the regular nest box, there is a good chance they have another nest and you havent found it yet.
9 months is a little young but it wouldn't be unheard of for them to be molting. Watch the coop/run. If it starts to look like the girls got into a major pillow fight that could be your problem. My flock just dropped production too but it all made sense when I noticed one of them molting. Just have to wait it out. Try adding a bit more protein to their diet. It might help
Are you sure your broody isn't squirrling eggs away?

do the free range or have other places they could be laying?

Any other changes recently?

What are you feeding?
Lighter combs and wattles can indicate a non-layer. Could be a decrease related to decreasing daylight. Rats would be another thing to consider. One winter, my feed consumption seemed to go up, while egg production went down (I had been getting eggs through the winter, so I did notice a difference). In the spring, I started to clean out the deep litter, and saw holes in the floor. Looked down, and it was crawling with rats! Those little buggers would pop their heads up through the floor while I was cleaning out the coop! That coop has long been retired, and the next coop built was raised off the ground so there were no hiding places for rats or other varmints to hide.
9 months is a little young but it wouldn't be unheard of for them to be molting. Watch the coop/run. If it starts to look like the girls got into a major pillow fight that could be your problem. My flock just dropped production too but it all made sense when I noticed one of them molting. Just have to wait it out. Try adding a bit more protein to their diet. It might help

I was thinking the same thing. My production hasn't dropped by much but I had some broodies and was happy when they got over it. However they went from broody (and don't lay while broody) to molting. I certainly hope they restart laying before next spring.
I'll up the protein in their food and get some feather fixer food. and hope.
Lighter combs and wattles can indicate a non-layer. Could be a decrease related to decreasing daylight. Rats would be another thing to consider. One winter, my feed consumption seemed to go up, while egg production went down (I had been getting eggs through the winter, so I did notice a difference). In the spring, I started to clean out the deep litter, and saw holes in the floor. Looked down, and it was crawling with rats! Those little buggers would pop their heads up through the floor while I was cleaning out the coop! That coop has long been retired, and the next coop built was raised off the ground so there were no hiding places for rats or other varmints to hide. 
Nice. We deal with rat yearly and have resorted to poison. They can be quite prolific and consume a lot feed. You are lucky they didn't try to dine on chicken.
Nice. We deal with rat yearly and have resorted to poison. They can be quite prolific and consume a lot feed. You are lucky they didn't try to dine on chicken.
I think they were happy enough eating chicken feed and eggs. We poisoned them. Just dropped the pellets down the holes in the floor, and put some bait stations (that only the rats could access) near the coop.

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