Wazine-17 - Single Dose

Just an update: The veterinarian had me worm Little Ginger with Panacur the day after her Wazine dose. I think it really kicked whatever she had. She's been doing *great*. She is still on antibiotics and probiotics. I don't think doing the worm treatments so close together is not normally a good thing, but she was getting worse and not better - she's been eating and drinking like a little Piglet.

Thank You everybody, for your help.

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Rather than start a new thread, I figure I ask here. I did what was stated above and gave them a shot glass in a full gallon, they drank that water for 24hrs.

Now what? I give them regular water, and do I need to repeat the Wazine? If so when? Their poop looks great now. All so my dog likes to eat the chicken poop, can he get the worms the chicken had?

Rather than start a new thread, I figure I ask here. I did what was stated above and gave them a shot glass in a full gallon, they drank that water for 24hrs.

Now what? I give them regular water, and do I need to repeat the Wazine? If so when? Their poop looks great now. All so my dog likes to eat the chicken poop, can he get the worms the chicken had?


Repeat with wazine in water again in 10 days or use a broad spectrum wormer instead. Your dog cant get chicken worms.
Rather than start a new thread, I figure I ask here. I did what was stated above and gave them a shot glass in a full gallon, they drank that water for 24hrs.

Now what? I give them regular water, and do I need to repeat the Wazine? If so when?  Their poop looks great now. All so my dog likes to eat the chicken poop, can he get the worms the chicken had?


Wazine only treats round worms, there are many other kinds of worms chickens get, safeguard or valbazen is better.

I am treating my flock according to your instructions, thank you for posting this.
I am curious if we would expect the chickens to poop out their worms, if they have round worms for example?

I treated my flock with Wazine 9 days ago. Tomorrow will be the Valbazen treatment. I have an indoor bird who is under close supervision, and the rest are outside. I decided to worm all of my chickens because my indoor bird had a round worm in her poop a few weeks back, which was alarming because all of my birds were wormed with Safeguard last fall ,and she has been indoors all this time! Anyway, since the Wazine treatment 9 days ago, I have not seen anymore worms come out of my indoor bird. Should we expect to see the worms expelled?
Hello I have a question about the wazine 17. Are you suppose to remove the sick chickens and give them the wazine? Or do you give it to the whole flock?
Hello I have a question about the wazine 17. Are you suppose to remove the sick chickens and give them the wazine? Or do you give it to the whole flock?

If one has worms, they all have worms. I do not use Wazine at all because it only kills roundworms, which is only one of several types they contract. But, if you use any wormer at all, use it on all of them. I just wormed my younger groups with Valbazen, which kills all worms, though it starves them out over a several day period so their system is not clogged with lots of dead worms if they have a huge load of them. The rest of the barn was wormed in January, but these groups were a tad young back then.

You may not see worms expelled unless there are a lot of them, to answer someone else's question. They may not be obvious to you.
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