We are brand new chicken parents!!!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Flower Mound, TX
I just had to share how excited we are!!!
My husband has really been so amazing building this coop/tractor in the last two weeks.
We are in our final pregnancy days with our 6th child and he was so sweet to do this for us!
Our kids are SO excited!
We live two doors down from our chick supplier, so tonight we walked down to finally pick them out.
They are doing great and Lord willing we wake up to some happy chickens!
We will keep them in their coop for a number of days, but we can move it around the yard to fresh grass!
Here's the pictures!!!


Welcome to BYC and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your 6th child. Children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). :eek:) Your coop looks great. Your husband has done a great job on it and I know your children will love having chickens. My children, and now my granddaughter, made pets of ours. What kind of chickens are you planning to get?
Thank you for your kind words!! Children are indeed a blessing and we are just ready to meet this next one!

The chicks we got are a type of maran, a few ameracaunas, silver laced wyandottes, and then she had a couple of older ones that we brought home too. I know about acclimating them, and the older ones were around many different free-ranging chicks that her own hens hatched. We are on a wait and see basis with those!!

Also, the little box underneath the indoor roost bars now has the sweet pdz in it for their "litter". I was so thankful to have read all about that before we finished that part of our coop.
Take care!
Thanks for the nice words!! We plan on "decorating" the outside some, but we just really wanted to bring our chickens home sooner. The exterior will be prettied up a bit soon!!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Very nice coop! Sounds like you are egg-cited!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Yes, we are VERY egg-cited! Cute!!
Turned out the two bigs we brought were definitely not going to work with the other littles. So we walked them home this morning and we will go pick out 3 more of the chicks this afternoon that came from the same group as our others. It will be smarter this way!!

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