We are New Guinea Keet Owners!!


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Smithfield, PA
Today at our local poultry Show/Swap (Uniontown, Pennsylvania) we became the proud owners of 3 Guinea Keets.
I think one is a lavender, but out of pure excitement I totally forgot what the color the other 2 were.. any help would be appreciated.

We snuck then under our Broody hen tonight (she had 4 buckeye chicks and also snuck in 6 americana chicks... she took them and didn't think twice.. we are keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well in the morning)

I've read up on the basics of Guineas (they will be kept with Mama and chicks for 6 weeks in a separate brooding house/run, then allowed to free range with our existing flock of free range hens)
but any suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated.


Nice colors. Maybe pearl, lavender and buff. They look about 3 or four weeks old and nice and healthy.

Congratulations - I think you'll love them!
Pearl and buff, the one in the middle......not sure. They are awesome! You will love them! They are just as addictive as chickens, trust me...... I have 10....Guineas that is....
I've wanted Guineas for the past year, it took me that long to talk my husband into letting me add them to our flock!
He seems to be excited now also - he did some research and was talking about all the great things guineas have to offer..

they are tucked under our momma (broody with 4 hatched chicks and 6 adopted americana chicks) tonight.. I put them head first under her wings - she pushed them right under with the others tonight.. i'll be out in the brooder-coop before sunrise to make sure all is well in the morning.. we love our broody momma!!!
The one on the left looks to be pied pearl, middle lavender and right buff. Pics from the front and side would help. Whatever color they turn out, they will be fun. Congrats!

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