We are New!


8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
Visited my grandparents farm every Sunday when I was little. Spent a lot of time playing in the chicken pen and getting eggs.
Many years later decided that we needed and wanted chickens.
Thats when we first found BYC. We could find answers to every question we had.
We (my husband) decided he wanted white eggs - so we purchased what we thought was 12 white leghorns from Tractor Supply back in May.
We got our first eggs August 30th. They weren't white! None of them have been white. Until today.
We referred back to your site and found out about Tetra Tints.
So we decided we better join BYC since you are so helpful and I am sure we will keep coming back for more answers.
Well today we have 10 eggs (the most layed in one day so far) and one of them was white! Maybe one of the 12 was a white leghorn. lol
Anyway we have had a ball raising and watching these girls!
And we have learned a lot from BYC!

ps: We call ourselves Chicken Prison because we raised these chickens from chicks. When we found a used dog kennel we wrapped it in two different wire. There is wire on the ground to prevent something from digging under. There is wire across the top under the tin roof to keep something from climbing it. Friends laughed and called it Chicken Prison. I just couldn't stand the thought of something killing one when we worked so hard to raise them. We had to do our best to protect them.
from Louisiana!

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