we did it! we did it!


8 Years
Jul 30, 2011
Bonney Lake
We laid our first egg! I could not be more proud if I had laid the darn thing myself! Of course it happened the one day I was gone all day at a union meeting! I came home and the girls were in bed so I opened the coop to say goodnight and there it was! Can you tell I am more excited than the chickens! I am in chicken owner heaven! Everyone here has been so great sharing their knowledge and advice. I am grateful to all! I won't sleep tonight! I put it on my page for the world to see!
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Congrats! That is so exciting

You might want to think about quitting the job though, so you don't miss any more important milestones,
Congrats on your first egg! Always exciting when they first start laying and you can look forward to fresh eggs almost every day AND know exactly where they came from and how fresh they are!! (that's a lot of "and's", huh? LOL)
We only have union meetings once a month, but I just had a feeling it would be today. I would turn in my resignation first thing in the morning, but my only reason for working is to keep the animals well fed, spoiled and utterly happy and content!

I am only the hired help here and the sugar mama who gives lots of love and treats.

Can I eat it right away or does it have to 'age'? Now jere comes a whole batch of new questions!

What a great day! Thank you for making me smile more! You are awesome!
There was a lot of ugly news at the meeting today and a lot of it was very frustrating, plus the facts I work graveyard shift and I had to be up ALL day and I had to sit still and listen. I work in a local hospital and sitting still is not my forte'. It was very nice to come home to such a lovely surprise! That and a fresh batch of garden salsa! I had a beer to help celebrate! It is better than Christmas Day! Just relaxing and coming out of a salsa coma!
The last time we had a union meeting down here we did our best to run um out. But they didn't wanta go, ended up in a fight that lasted 4 years and bunch of men dead. I stay as far away for those thing as I can get now.
Well that's fantastic! Congratulations! I looked at your page, and what a cute coop, and darling hens! I didn't see a pic of your first egg though.....


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