We got chicks!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Rancho Cucamonga
My husband found a nice lady about an hour from us who has all kinds of great chickens - and quail, geese, etc. We went yesterday and this is what we brought home (keep in mind we were only going to get 4 chicks, how silly were we?)

here is our Buff Orpington, Bernadette - she is fatter every time I look in on them! Bernadette is the friendliest of the bunch so far.

This one is our EE, Taffy (because with Taffy, you never know what flavor (color) you'll get. She is very alert and curious. I love her eye liner!

This is Omelet, the Barnevelder. Very sweet, but a little shy.

This is Captain Morgan (or maybe Mississippi Mama or Yoko) the Delaware. So pretty and fluffy!

This one is my oldest son's, and doesn't have a name yet. She is a Jersey Giant.

This last one is the smallest, but she is feisty! I named her Caledonia after the jazz tune. She is a Copper Marans.

We are all in love with these tiny fluffy particles of cuteness - I love the way they fall asleep by degrees and finally flop over! Now, we keep our fingers crossed that none of them are roos!

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