We got our Chicks today!


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
I am all aflutter like a new mommy!

I was thrown a loop when we finally arrived at the Hatchery. They didn't have 2 of the birds I had researched and decided to get and so If I wanted to raise the chicks all together I had to decide fast what other 2 to get.


so I decided to get a Silver Laced Wyandotte (the photo they had who I hope was the 'mommy hen" was Georgous!)
and a red of some type, they mummbled something about a Rhode Island Red, but then my hubby thinks they said Production Red, I got side tracted trying to make sure it was a brown egg layer ..and that they all got vaccinated.

It was a big up-in-the-air cluster.

So now I am all worried and frazzled and non too sure what I have and I hope really I didnt get a rooster. Sad really because I had researched the Hatchery and they had high marks for my area.

Nothing to do now but wait and see.

The little red chick has already been dubbed 'Penny" cause she is just as cute as a button and small like a penny something about the reddish/coppery color probably helped.

The little Buff Oprington is going to be dubbed "goldie" so far

The 2 little black ones (silver laced Wyandott and a Barred Rock) are still waiting a show of personality for a name.

The kids (I have a 7, and 9 year old) and Lab are all looking at me like .."Can we hold them? Can we hold them? Can we lick them? Can we sniff em? Huh huh please please mommmyyyeee. LOL

Now I am just nervously watching the temp in their little brood box. I hope the light doesnt get tooo hot.

One of them has this odd black string like thing hanging from its rear. I cant see where it's attached and I am scared to 'pull' it so just leaving them be.

I really just want to plop them all in my lap for a nice little cuddle sleep.
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New babies are fun, hey? The string you mentioned sounds like the umbilical cord, just leave it. It will fall off by itself.
You must post pics of your little Penny when she's a bit bigger. I'm sure some of the more experienced members here can identify the breed. I know nothing about breeds
But then we don't get many pure breeds here in SA, so we all keep hybrids and "farm chickens".
Enjoy your babies!
They are all snuggled in my shirt ..I'd post a photo but that could get awkward. Hehe

The little Wyandotte likes to sit right on my shoulder cuddled into my neck. That could be fun when she is full grown.

These will be some massively spoilt chickens!

How long befor I can start giving little treats to the chicks?

We eat alot of fruit and veg and I am anxious to see what they will like.

Plus my kids love to catch various bugs and can hardly wait to hand feed bugs.
They are adorable! Penny is a beauty. Very nice colouring.
I give my babies treats when they are about a week old. Fruit, green leafy things (they love spinach), bugs... They are so spoiled!
So the wee ones are 3 days old now. They are doing really well and love to be held and sit on shoulders tho we are all still extremely careful with them.

My little silver Lace Wyandotte loves to sit in the crook of my neck and it looks like she will be the leader. She is very brave and the first to run and check something out.

Today she started this funny sort of little dance. I was like .What on earth is she doing?? How bizzaar. Turns out, she is figuring out how to 'scratch' for food. LOL

And of course the others ..after intently studying how she was doing it, soon joined in. We had a little chick dance fest going on. ;)

It was super funny.

Also today out chicken nipples arrived. (posted on another thread here) what a FAB little invention! I am super pleased with them and so are the grls after much ado getting them to peck it. Once they started tho it was a fight to see who could peck it the most.

I am much relieved now tho to have safe, clean drinking water for them.

We got bored and said ..it's hot yet a cooling breeze is blowing so let's take them out to meet the world.

Little baby chicks ....can book it! The Zip fast as anything.

They loved the grass and followed me around much to the kids dislike.
Finally they just started to follow 'any' legs they saw.

I am glad to say our Lab has taken a shine to the chicks and she thinks they are all hers.

She was right there with the kids going .."Follow me! No, Follow me!" Lick Lick. and when the chicks didn't think to follow 'legs' they followed 'fluffy legs'

Sweet image. Just watch where you put your feet with those little ones running around!

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