We got our first green egg today!


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Lamar, AR.
We got our first green egg today. The pictures didn't turn out quite the way we wanted but the green one is in the middle. We were very surprised today to find it. At first I thought our two white leghorns had laid 3 eggs until I got the green one in the light. We also have an EE roo who started to crow for the first time today and started to do his mating dance, lol.



These are all of the eggs we currently get from our chickens

First row left to right is white leghorn, barred rock and welsummer
second row left to right is rhode island red, EE and buff orpington
third row left to right is white leghorn and production red

The EE hen that laid the green egg is really an odd little girl. She is all brown with yellow legs and huge beard/muff. She has some silver feathers mixed in to her tail feathers. She is 8 months old. She has submitted for over a month now and her pelvic bones have been 3 fingers apart for about 3 weeks and she finally lays, lol. We just had a gut feeling though it would probably be a brown egg when she did and not a green one. We are happily surprised.
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